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In the spirit of Rosie the Riveter's can-do attitude, authors Gardunia and Oddie have teamed up to present the ultimate beginner's handbook!
Sew 36 quilt blocks with ideas and methods for setting the blocks into a quilt. Step-by-step instructions begin with explaining the basics of color choice
and 1/4 inch seams. If you have never pieced a quilt before or have only a beginning knowledge base, this book is essential.
Each chapter offers three block patterns increasing in difficulty--easy, medium, and challenging-- with the goal of learning a skill
and then practicing various adaptions to improve your technique.
Chapters include every facet the new quilter needs to know: half-square triangles, quarter-square triangles, Flying Geese, wonky piecing,
improvisation, foundation paper piecing, curves, One-Patch blocks, applique, inset seams, hexies, and even the Compass and Feathered Star!
Quilt finishing instructions are included as well. Make quilts both large and small with instructions given for numerous quilt designs using some or all of the 36 blocks.